Building CernVM-FS server on Ubuntu

Posted on January 24, 2013 by Nick

The past couple of days I’ve been looking at running CernVM-FS at work to support our genetic pipelining software. As a first step, I’ve been trying to compile and run a CernVM-FS server on our systems. The details on how exactly to build a ‘Stratum-0’ server aren’t exactly clear, so this is a set of notes of how I managed to get the server up and running.

Cern packages the cvmfs server for RHEL, Scientific Linux and even a package for Fedora 17. Unfortunately, most of our infrastructure here is Debian based, and getting hold of a RHEL based VM is slightly tricky, so instead we’re building from source. The comments on the CernVM-FS website seem to suggest that the 2.0 release of the server is somewhat flaky and only works on SL5, so I’m using the 2.1BETA release.

  1. Install the following packages:
    • libfuse-dev
    • apache2
    • attr
  2. Grab the source from
  3. Extract to a working directory.
  4. cmake .
  5. make
  6. make install
  7. The apache2 configuration requires mod_headers to be enabled, so we enable this now: sudo a2enmod headers and then restart apache: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart.
  8. sudo cvmfs_server mkfs test should now work correctly and give the following response: > Creating configuration files… done > Creating CernVM-FS master key for test.repo in /etc/cvmfs/keys/… done > Creating self-signed certificate for test.repo in /etc/cvmfs/keys/test.repo.crt… done > Create CernVM-FS Storage… done > Create Initial Repository… done > Mounting CernVM-FS Storage… done > Initial commit… New CernVM-FS repository for test.repo > > Before you can install anything, call cvmfs_server transaction > to enable write access on your repository. Then install your > software in /cvmfs/test.repo as user nc6. > Once you’re happy, publish using cvmfs_server publish > > For client configuration, have a look at ‘cvmfs_server info’ > > If you go for production, backup you software signing keys in /etc/cvmfs/keys/!
  9. Begin a transaction using cvmfs_server transaction test.repo
  10. At this point, you can drop some data in /cvmfs/test.repo/.
  11. cvmfs_server publish test.repo

You should at this point be able to see the repo in a web browser by browsing to /cvmfs/test.repo.

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